пятница, 5 февраля 2016 г.

Австралия. В Республике Беларусь рассмотрение вопроса об установлении гибкого режима рабочего времени не зависит от того, какой работник (характеризующийся возрастом, состоянием здоровья, семейными обстоятельствами) обращается к нанимателю с просьбой установить гибкий режим рабочего времени. В Австралии, в соответствии с новыми изменениями законодательства, наниматель обязан рассмотреть предложение работника о применении в отношении этого работника гибкого графика рабочего времени, если работник старше 55 лет, если работник имеет соответствующее состояние здоровья либо семейные обстоятельства. Наниматель имеет право отказать такому работнику, однако для этого должен быть существенный довод. В Беларуси, надо сказать, что тоже каждый работник имеет право обратится к нанимателю с таким же предложением. Просто в нашем законодательстве на это не делается акцент. В Беларуси режимы гибкого рабочего времени, как правило, не применяются в прерывных производствах, в условиях трехсменной работы, при двухсменной работе, если отсутствуют свободные рабочие места, на стыках смен, а также в других случаях, определяемых спецификой производства; возможности для применения режимов гибкого рабочего времени в отдельных организациях (их структурных подразделениях) могут также ограничиваться: условиями внутрипроизводственной кооперации и внешних связей организации; особенностями труда отдельных категорий работников и характером выполняемых ими функций; отсутствием должного порядка в нормировании труда и учете рабочего времени; низким уровнем организации труда и производства, слабой трудовой дисциплиной; особыми требованиями к безопасности труда, а также условиями и особенностями производства. Кое-что по поводу гибкого режима рабочего времени в Австралии можно посмотреть ниже.

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Wednesday 3rd February 2016
Don’t tie yourself in knots about 


In today's Workplace Bulletin:
  • Who doesn’t want to be seen as a good boss?
Jeff Salton PortraitOne of the trends for 2016, as flagged by our partners at Holding Redlich Lawyers, is to expect an increase in demand for flexible working arrangements by employees.
This is because the broader carer provisions under the Fair Work Act (2009) allow requests to be made for flexibility if the employee is a recognised carer, is over 55 years old, has a disability, or if they or a family member is experiencing domestic violence. 
These workers have a legal right to request flexible working arrangements as long as they have worked for you for at least 12 months on a full-time or part-time basis. Long-term casual employees who have a reasonable expectation of ongoing employment are also eligible.
It doesn’t guarantee that you’ll find them a suitable arrangement but under the Act, employers must seriously consider a request for flexible working arrangements. However, you can refuse on reasonable business grounds.
What’s in it for them?
For workers, the offer of flexible working arrangements can be extremely attractive. These changes can help:
  • fulfil their family or carer obligations and responsibilities;
  • fulfil their study requirements;
  • save on travel costs and commuting times; and
  • enjoy a better work-life balance.
Sure, you can see what’s in it for them, but what’s in it for you? After all, you’re trying to run business, right?
What’s in it for you?
Workplace legal expert Charles Power, says flexible working arrangements, when the role permits, can encourage:
  • a more productive and enjoyable work environment;
  • happier and healthier employees who are less prone to stress;
  • reduced absenteeism, lateness and staff turnover;
  • increased employee motivation and commitment leading to increased levels of customer satisfaction;
  • reduced risk of your employees burning out physically and mentally;
  • a wider pool of candidates, allowing you to tap into a more skilled workforce;
  • an increased likelihood that employees will return from parental leave; and
  • savings on recruitment and re-training.
Think about it …
So, before you dismiss the idea out of hand, flexible work arrangements can be a viewed as win-win for employers and workers.
For example, employers wanting to encourage diversity in the workplace – or if your organisation has diversity employment targets for 2016 – by offering shared roles, part-time instead of full-time positions, working from home arrangements (permanent or ad hoc) or adjusted starting and finishing times, or a revised spread of hours over a working week, considering flexibility could help deliver an suitable outcome.
And, as mentioned earlier, not considering a request can land you in hot water.

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Case study:
Kate is an assistant veterinarian who wants to return to work on either a job-share or part-time basis after adopting a child. Her employer says ‘no’ because her position has always been full-time and he believes that is what their customers are used to.
If Kate put in a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission, she would be likely to succeed because:
  • her employer has not considered the other options available, and has formed his decision based on irrelevant historical information;
  • her employer’s unsubstantiated evidence of customer opinions would not hold up in court;
  • working full time while dealing with the responsibility of caring for a young child would not be reasonably possible; and
  • her employer is legally obligated to reasonably accommodate Kate’s parental responsibilities.
Before refusing Kate’s request, her employer should have at least considered, and possibly trialled, one of the flexible work arrangements Kate requested. He would then have been able to monitor Kate’s performance to determine whether the arrangement would be viable for his business.
Constructive dismissal
Unreasonably refusing a request for a flexible work arrangement to accommodate parental responsibilities may be treated as constructive dismissal.
Constructive dismissal occurs when an employee resigns because their employer says or does something that the employee can reasonably treat as a dismissal, but the employer does not actually state that they have been dismissed.
So you can see by the changes to the Fair Work Act that you might need some legal assistance when approached by a worker wanting to explore the possibilities of changing their current working hours.
The Portner Press Employment Law Handbook, written by employment law expert Charles Power, a partner at Holding Redlich, is the quickest, easiest and least expensive way to access all the legal information you need. For example, the handbook contains 11 considerations when determining if a worker is suited to a flexible work arrangement.
The handbook has a template for helping to implement an effective working from home arrangement, and tips for trialling any new arrangement before committing to a full-blown change.
Oh, and it also offers advice on how to say ‘no’ without breaking the law.
Get your copy today so that you’re fully prepared for any requests. Or use your new-found knowledge to attract or keep that valuable worker who wants a change.
All of which are excellent reasons to purchase the Employment Law Handbook.
Keep up the good work,
Jeff Salton signature
Jeff Salton
Editor, Workplace Bulletin

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Workplace Bulletin ISSN 1836-117X
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