четверг, 3 марта 2016 г.

Англия (расследование падения из окна гостиничного номера). Возможно, для юристов будет интересно обратить внимание на текст одного судебного решения английского суда, где подробно описано расследование причин падения мужчины из окна гостиничного номера. Гостиница тогда заняла позицию, что в данном инциденте был виновен сам пострадавший, что он был нетрезв и хотел покончить с собой из-за ссоры с невестой. Однако в деле, также, были разительные факты того, что данному падению способствовала конструкция окон, что на месте нетрезвого мужчины мог спокойно оказаться ребенок, который не понимал бы опасности оконной конструкции. Позже выяснилось, что данные окна не соответствовали современным техническим требованиям. Речь шла об окнах, которые имеют непривычно малое расстояние от пола и которые, как известно, стали модными после перестройки в странах СНГ.

Neutral Citation [2015] IEHC 793




JUDGMENT of Mr. Justice Bernard J. Barton delivered on the 11th day of November, 2015

1. Shortly after 11 pm on the 15th of February 2009, the Plaintiff, who was a guest in The Old Bank House, Kinsale, Co. Cork (the premises), fell from the open window of his bedroom onto the roof of the adjoining post office. As a result of the fall the plaintiff suffered multiple and potentially life threatening injuries in respect of which he brings these proceedings.
2. Quite how the plaintiff came to fall from the window is but one of several hotly contested issues which the Court is required to determine. That the plaintiff fell onto the roof is not in question. He says he lost his balance. The defendants say he threw himself out of the window; in short, that he jumped. If the plaintiff jumped it was agreed that that would be the end of the case. Accordingly, it is proposed to determine that issue first.
3. The first and second named defendants are sued as the owners and occupiers of the premises, which, at that time, was run as an adjunct of or annex to the Blue Haven Hotel, Kinsale. The plaintiff brings these proceedings against the defendants for breach of contract and/or alternatively for misrepresentation, negligence and breach of duty at common law or, alternatively, for breach of statutory duty pursuant to the provisions of the Occupier’s Liability Act, 1995 and the Hotel Proprietor’s Act, 1963.
4. The defence delivered on the 21st of December 2011, put the plaintiff on full proof of his claim save for an admission that he and his fiancée were lawful visitors and that the premises was in the occupation and ownership of the first defendant. The defence otherwise raises a plea that the plaintiff was guilty of negligence, including contributory negligence, the essence of which is that the plaintiff was the author of his own misfortune, in particular by throwing himself out of the window of their bedroom following a row with his fiancée. A special reply to the defence joining issue with those pleas was delivered on the 21st of November 2012. 
